As a multilayered, civilian, government sanctioned, privately funded, civilian, army corps of well trained and equipped individuals of a willing spirit, the United Stated Domestic Peace Corps (DPC) deploys them as “ground” troopers on missions of amalgamation or embedding into certain settlements of homeless individuals and families.
This embedding begins particularly with leading those entrapped and/or acclimated to sidewalk, encampment levels of chronic, hardcore homelessness, through the necessary, transitional phases to the two ultimate objectives of either; government chartered, socially multi-mixed status population, 21st Century technology-driven, free market capital enterprise, industrial townships, or traditional mainstream.
It is highly imperative that these peace troopers be deployed and embedded with homeless settlements as re-enforcement helpmates to them through all the transitional phases of EGIIP (Exodus, Genesis, Incentive, Initiative Plan) implemented by Presidential Executive Orders through to the ultimate objectives of either chartered townships or mainstreaming. See multi-mixed status populations
The United States Domestic Peace Corps (USDPC) serves to help government, as well as social services in their respective efforts to eradicate the needless ravages of homelessness by deploying its Peace Corps Trooper-servants, i.e., servants.
As passing a baton in a relay foot race, in their respective ranks, these Peace servant troops will accompany, as well as lead individuals and families through the necessary three (3) step Justiceville devised, transitional phase journey of its Exodus, Genesis, Incentive, Initiative Plan (EGIIP), executive by Presidential executive fiat and orders. See Presidential Executive Orders.
Initiated from sidewalk encampments through methodical transitioning villages of various, innovative, alternative, temporary, transitional housing tools, such as: 21 piece, assembling-dismantling domes; shipping containers; wooden tiny houses, etc., to the final afore mentioned destinations of either mainstream or chartered townships.
A. The Domestic Peace Corps is based-established on the inspiration of these two case models, they being:
The United States Peace Corps, instituted in and by the authority of the federal government via the aggressive advocacy of late President, the Hon. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, designed and implemented by his brother-law, former Ambassador to France, the Hon. Robert Sargent Shriver.
B. The unprecedented in US history, eight (8) years of voluntary experience of dwelling in a state of nomadic homelessness with poor peoples sleeping homeless on the sidewalk encampments of Los Angeles, the national, homelessness capital’s in the heart of the downtown district known as Skid Row, dubbed its “Ground 0” and “black hole vortex”, followed by another 13 in the Dome Village.
As in the cases of these two models, particularly that of Ted Hayes, among other things, amalgamated DPC, civilian, servant troopers being also acclimated by assigned embedding, naturally maintains constant daytime watch, nighttime vigil and companionship to the various homeless populations, especially they whom are physically and mentally challenged. See Tracking The Mentally Challenged = Amalgamated-embedded Troopers will also observe, study, and map the routines of the homeless.
Essentially, the deployed, amalgamated servant-troops will befriend homeless persons by working with them in various, supportive capacities, thereby earning their respect, and eventual trust whereby influencing them to become willing to make the long “wilderness” journey from the bondage of homelessness to the promised land of effective, social, civic, citizenship, productivity.
The Domestic Peace Corps servant-troopers will assist in circumventing unnecessary, police – homeless persons confrontations and entanglements, which could lead to tragic violent confrontations, ending either in the injury or death of one, or the other…probably, as is presently too often, the later.
Note: Any injuries or death to the Homeless could result in law suits, and other negative responses that will interfere with more pressing government agendas and business.
In order for any program of outreach to homeless persons, particularly that of the POTUS Executive Ordered, New Frontier II: Operation Humanity, it’s imperative that the services of the DPC be intricately intertwined with it/them.
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