The Virus: Federal, Black Super Citizens – Final Alarms Part I

[See Final Alarm Pt II] [The Threat File]

The ADOS-ADOcS Super Citizens Speaking On It

You Are Being WARNED

    Concerned         Warning               Offering Solutions

This Is Perhaps, The Greatest and FINAL ALARM To America Concerning Its Refusal To Rectify The 401 Years of Continuous Injustices
Against, Federal, White House-Based, Black Super Citizens

The National Emergency Security Threat of the Novel Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus CIVID-19
In This 401st Year of Continued, Unrequited Injustices In This Country,
Black Citizens Are Once Again Facing Another Betrayal

In the Name of Public Health and Safety, the government and private sectors panicked responses to the Chinese Wuhan Corona Virus National Emergency Security Threat is either inadvertently or sinisterly trending towards us black citizens being once again betrayed, this time into potential concentration camps…other the prison industrial complex (pic), another return to chattel slavery.

The American Descendants of Slaves – American Descendants of Chattel Slaves (ADOS-ADOcS), being the new vanguard protectors of the Civil Rights Ideals and Legacies of this Union Republic of the United States, have grave concerns about how the Presidential Administration of the Hon. Donald John Trump, President of the United States (POTUS) is or will administrate the matter of the Virus and others related contagions and homelessness, particularly as it relates to that of black citizens.

ADOS-ADOcS speaks by the authority of our 1866 Civil Rights-14th Amendment Act of federal, super citizenship solely and exclusively to black citizens, whom are under the direct jurisdiction, hence protection and advancement of the Executive Branch, the POTUS being Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, as ordered the President Abraham Lincoln 1863 Emancipation Proclamation.

Hence, in light of their/our special status with the POTUS, as no other set of US citizens, we invoke Section 8 of The Act to plead our cause to President Trump, particularly as he has already acknowledged his acceptance of the 14th Amendment as intended.

“…whenever the President of the United States shall have reason to believe that offences have been or are likely to be committed against the provisions of this act…it shall be lawful for him, in his discretion…for the purpose of the more speedy arrest and trial of persons charged with a violation of this act;” [edited]

In order for POTUS to believe, he must have reason, and this only after he has been alerted and or educated by a contingency

“The Act” is Section 1, black citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens”

“offenses” are actions by which black citizens rights of federal super, Executive Branch jurisdiction “equal justice-protections under the Law” citizenship according to Section 2 “have been or are likely to be committed”

The federal, super citizenship of black citizens has already been violated by the matter of homelessness, but now as second “hammer blow” is pending by the threat of public health and safety legislation and implementation in this matter of potential quarantine without exit.

“That any person (including POTUS, Congressional Members, Supreme Court, appointed Servants) who, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, shall subject, or cause to be subjected, any inhabitant of any State or Territory to the deprivation of any right secured or protected by this act…on account of such person having at any time been held in a condition of slavery or involuntary servitude…by reason of his color or race…shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be punished…in the discretion of the court.” [edited]

Therefore, accordingly, we ADOS-ADOcS request and expect immediate National Security Threat audience with President Trump

[See Final Alarm Pt II]   [The Threat File]


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