New Frontier II: OH Defined




Therefore, today’s new frontier of the now early twentieth (21st) century of 2018 [presently 2022],
…based on the JFK ideal of the mid-twentieth (20th) century, 1961, is that of healing humanity
…and eradicating the ravages of injustices manifested in abject poverty and homelessness.

As never before, such an objective is well within our grasp, thanks in large part to the
…super technological wealth of the USA’s NASA space programs, giving birth to several,
…competitive, worldwide, space exploration movements and organizations.

These super macro-celestials, including micro-terrestrial, technological advancements,
…demonstrates that GOD, The Creature of Nature/Universe, has greatly endowed
…and gifted human beings with such abilities to gain knowledge for such purposes, first.

According to Universe law, NFII says, that when such technologies for space travel to Mars, etc.,
…is applied first, here on earth, to resolve unnecessary sufferings of human beings, perhaps
…the “keys” to true space travel will be authorized to us, as well as other riches for
…human development in the 21st Century and beyond.

In those days, the Hon. US President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy inspired Americans to
…within ten years, land men on the Moon, and return them home safely.

Now is the time, to exploit and utilize that super technology for all of GOD’s children on earth.
“Peace On Earth.  Good Will To All Human Beings” beginning with LA, America’s
…National Capital of Homelessness, US Military Veterans, and comparatively, the world.

Our country, and in fact, the whole planet has more than plenty of land space and surplus resources,
…especially here in the USA with its hordes of closed military bases, open range, federal lands, etc.

JFK knew nothing to little of how to reach his lofty objective, yet, he courageously provided
…the inspiration and resources for those who did, even ahead of schedule. See: Moonshot & Beyond”

The theme objective of New Frontier II: Operation Humanity, is the same as the first,
…except, that the provisions of the 1960s earned for us today, the necessary data, technologies,
…to utilized for humanity first, here on earth.

Essential the statement singular except for the date, which can now read,
“We stand today on the edge of a New Frontier — the frontier of the 21st Century
…which is humanity ourselves.”

“Think globally. Act locally”

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