Number of Homeless People Jumps 12% Across L.A. County to Nearly 59,000 – My Commentary (red)
Posted 10:40 AM, June 4, 2019, by Associated Press and Chris Wolfe, Updated at 02:06PM, June 4, 2019
The number of homeless people counted across Los Angeles County jumped 12% over the past year to nearly 59,000, with more young and old residents and families on the streets, officials said Tuesday.
The majority of the homeless were found within the city of Los Angeles, which saw a 16% increase to 36,300, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority said in presenting January’s annual count to the county Board of Supervisors.
- US black citizens are 8-9% of general LA population, yet over 40% of homeless:
- In Central City East, dubbed, “Skid Row”, 90% are black men, then black women, and their children, followed an ethno-racial mix of others.
The increase was registered a year after the previous tally found a slight decrease (this is questionable) in the county’s homeless population.
The county’s Homeless Services Authority said it helped 21,631(?) people move into permanent housing during 2018 — a pace that would have helped rapidly end homelessness (?) if economic pressures had not simultaneously pushed thousands more out of their homes.
Note: So question is: What are we doing? This is insane. Regardless of good, innovative and unique an outreach program by social service providers is, everyone involved in “helping the homeless” makes financial, political, and career resume’ development, while the intended persons receive very little.
But while some people who had been homeless managed to get permanent places to live, others who had homes were forced onto the streets of metro Los Angeles’ vast urban sprawl.
“People are being housed out of homelessness and falling into homelessness on a continuous basis,” said Peter Lynn, the authority’s executive director.
Note: The insanity. Justiceville has been saying this for 35 years, which is one of the basic criteriors that we presented in the 1985 land mark “Defense of Necessity” court trial in which two homeless, US Military Veterans and I, by a jury of 12, were found not guilty. This trial was handled by two very prominent LA legal firms, __________ and the ACLU, advised by none other than my friend, attorney Carol Sobel.
About a quarter of those counted became homeless for the first time in 2018, and about half of those cited economic hardship as the primary cause, the authority said.
To reduce homelessness, communities must overcome resistance to the placement of housing and shelters, officials said.
Three years ago, Los Angeles voters approved a tax hike and $1.2 billion housing bond to make a decade’s worth of massive investments to help solve the homeless crisis (?). That bond money has been committed to build more than half of the 10,000 new housing units planned countywide over the next decade, Lynn said.
Note: At this expensive rate, due to growing societal stresses, such as the cost of living, including rent, at this increasing pace, by the end of the ten year period, there will far more people entrapped into houselessness, followed the culture of homelessness, and no more to spend. We have apocalypse!
About three-quarters of the homeless people counted were living outdoors, fueling concerns of a growing public health crisis with piles of garbage and rats near homeless encampments lining downtown sidewalks.
Note: Again, another concern that for 35 years, Justiceville has been sounding this clarion call, but clearly was ignored.
County Supervisor Janice Hahn called the increase “disheartening.”
“Even though our data shows we are housing more people than ever, it is hard to be optimistic when that progress is overwhelmed by the number of people falling into homelessness,” Hahn said.
Note: Again, this just what Justiceville has been consistently addressing for 35 years
The Los Angeles County figures mirror tallies across California, as state officials struggle to address a lack of affordable housing. In addition, officials said, wages among lower income people have not kept up with the rising cost of living.
Note: This is precisely the problem, which is not the persons entrapped in the homelessness culture, but rather the government and private sector officials view the crisis, because they think that houselessness is homelessness.
The two are not the quite the same: Houseless in when one has had housing and lost it, whereas, homelessness comes after housing can no longer be found, then the victim of such failed government polices naturally acclimates into the condition, and subsequently, inadvertently finds FREEDOM from the stressful enslavement of mainstream, slave plantations life.
Therefore, there are two challengers in one: First, growing lack of affordable housing due to increasing costs to construct in “descent” neighborhoods, also lacking of inexpensive land space; Second, after becoming engulfed in the homelessness culture, the freemen-women have lost all interest in returning to the miserable drudgery of mainstream, slave plantations.
Some state lawmakers on Tuesday called for legislation capping rent increases on some tenants and encouraging the construction of more affordable housing.
Note: Even if the failing attempt to lower rent, etc., making housing available, the vast majority (95-98%) of the free persons will not return.
“We’re seeing folks who are working, have jobs and are homeless. They can’t afford the rent. They can’t afford to live in the communities in which they’ve grown up their entire life. And they’re being displaced,” said Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks, a Democrat from Oakland, where a countywide survey this year found a 43% increase in the homeless population over the last several years.
Note: So what is the Assemblyman going to do about it? He doesn’t have a clue
But California tenant legislation faces persistent opposition from landlords and other major housing bills have already sputtered this legislative session.
Note: Knowing the peoples of the various levels of the homelessness cultures, one can sensibly blame the property owners for not making housing available to them. This is why Justiceville for 35 years have been proposing the transitioning strategy for effectively addressing folks attempting to leave the culture, going to “who knows where?”
The Los Angeles County count found a 24% increase in homeless youth, defined as people under 25, and a 7% jump in people 62 or older.
Officials estimate about 29% of people experiencing homelessness in the county are mentally ill or coping with substance abuse problems.
Note: This is excuse propaganda, because of the free persons, only a very small number or percent are clinically mentally ill, the others are simply responding to how any human being would, given their experience. Therefore, what may seem mental illness, like sleeping on public sidewalks, is simply acclamation for self preservation!
Note: 99.99% of the drug, both th and alcohol, as well as, those of the various psycho therapy industrial complexes, both the illicit, recreational street narcotics and prescriptions of “Big Pharma”, are not driven by the minuscule homeless populations that drives the alcohol or drug industrial complex, but rather, working people of the mainstream levels of society of nearly all professions;
Therefore, it’s NOT the “homeless” who needs help, but rather, those whom are supposedly seeking to “help” them.
Also, to where in the mainstream slave plantation will social service programs transcend them into what?
Hence, the final question is: Who then in our society is in need of mental “help”, or is mentally ill?
Scene I.
1. Mainstream society as a huge mansion on fire. Social service programs as the fire department. People fleeing the burning building while coughing and beating the flames off their clothing;
2. When the fire equipment arrives on scene, the first responders and firefighters rush towards the fire waiving their arms, hands and shouting to the escapees, “No, no. Go back inside.”
Scene II
1. A chattel slavery plantation. A slave inadvertently wonders off the plantation and “taste” freedom. The master catches slave.
2. Under the offer of better living conditions, such as better housing, food and treatment, even a small financial “token” stipend, the slave refuses returning to plantation. Or, under the threat of whippings, beatings, even lynching, the slave remains true to his/her position, choosing rather to reside even in the filthiness of the swamp, because found freedom has been found. It’s about self dignity. Not purported, “mental illness”, laziness, drugs/alcohol, anger, depression, etc.
About two-thirds of all people on the streets of metro Los Angeles are male, just under one-third are female, and about 2% identify as transgender or gender non-conforming.
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