National Security Threat of Virus(s) and Homelessness

[The Threat File] The National Security Threat of The Virus and Homelessness The Government Orders: “Self Contain, Quarantine, Shelter In Place, Social Distance, Isolate At Home” An Impossible Option For Homeless See: The Trending Options of the Virus Homelessness Threat Los Angeles, 35 year, legendary Civil Rights-Homelessness resolution activist proclaims …

Private Message To POTUS – National Security Threat of Homelessness, Made Public

[The Threat File] “Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The …

Civil Rights: POTUS JFK Deploys Feds-Troops To University of Alabama

In the steps of POTUS’s the Hon. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ulyssis S. Grant, and of course, primary originator and figurehead of the Civil Rights movements and laws, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy deployed the federal marshals and military personnel to open the University of Alabama in June of 1963.

Strategic Plan Transitioning Off “Streets” Onto Fed Lands For Responsible, Productive Living

See EGIIP The Summary The Federal Promised Lands Title V. of the Stuart B. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act All Federal Surplus Properties, Including Military Buildings and Lands, Such As Inhabitable Open Ranges, and Decommissioned Military Bases, and Their Equipment For The Humane Resolution To Homelessness Culture and Its “Mainstream” Societal …

L.A. County Board of Supervisors NHP Resolution

{Partial document) continuation    Revised JSAP – Unified Action Plan (UAP) |  LACC 1998 | LAC-BOS 1999   34      7. Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Burke: Urge the Clinton Administration and Congress to create and fund a comprehensive National plan to end homelessness; and request the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority …


Law Enforcement Working Group Revised JSAP – Unified Action Plan (UAP) |  LAC 1998 | LAC-BOS 1999 I.  The Parties Elected Law Enforcement Officials: Los Angeles City Attorney, James Hahn; Los Angeles County Sheriff, Leroy Baca; Los Angeles County District Attorney, Gil Garcetti; California Attorney General, Bill Lockyer; Non-Elected Law …

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