We the People Authority: MIND REVOLUTION

The reasons that society, particularly our neighborhoods are suffering degradation, is due to the ineptitude of our government SERVANTS, whom We the People tend to view as nobility bosses, even in some cases as earth deities, while seeing ourselves as their loyal subjects.

When We the People alter this mentality by revolution of the mind, the injustices of homelessness, etc., will be eliminated.

The Declaration of Independence, is the first law of the United States, Union Republic of America, birthing nation building ideals of which our US Constitution empowers We the People to oversee the public Servants, as mandated by the Preamble, followed by 12 Articles and 27 Amendments.

Revolution of the Mind
“Now is the time, and fierce urgency of now” that We the People no longer view our pubic Servants as bosses, because we pay their salaries, they are to be our loyal subjects employees.

Demonstrating the absolute importance of We the People governing of our New nation described by President Abraham Lincoln, as that being “conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”, along with the third (3rd) sentence of the Declaration of Independence, emphatically states that our government SERVANTS, govern by our consent.

“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

The Preamble of the Constitution
By Preamble mandate, We the People are given the ultimate responsibility to oversee or supervise government Servants by ordering them “to form a more perfect Union…” according to our dictates, not theirs.

The Preamble orders and authorizes the exceptional collective body politic of citizens to take full charge of their government (“We have given you a republic, if you can keep it”); and not politicians, or so called “government officials”, our SERVANTS, but rather, us.

It is by this collective unification of We the People, that this “Republican Form of Government” (Article 4, Sec.4 Const.) is to function.

Therefore, any complaints about governmentalal failures is actually indictment of our own neglect and dysfunction as the designated, Preamble body politic, that exercises our Constitutional oversight duties, preventing abuses by the selection and supervision of our public SERVANTS.

Our incessant complaining about what is obviously wrong in society, without offering-ordering practical solutions to our public SERVANTS only adds to their power corruption, and matters become increasingly worse while we pay for it.

If the servants are idiots, etc., then what does that make us, We the People?

It is anti-Constitution and absolutely insane folly to expect that government SERVANTS will empathize with us to resolve our concerns, as they don’t reside in our neighborhoods, nor feel our pains.

The New Order of the Ages
According the founding fathers wishes for an Ordu Nordu Seclurum – “New Order of the Ages” nation, it’s the responsibility of the local residents to identity, diagnose the social concerns, then provide practical solutions and present it to their public SERVANTS to implement it…having the caveat that upon rebellion of the order, they will either be voted out of office, recalled, or even citizens arrested and for criminal behavior.   See GOD In The Declaration of Independence”

Note: Public SERVANTS violation of their Oath of Office is a felony

Since our countries birth days from 1776 to 1778-9 the ratification of the Constitution, We the People have never fully exercised our authority over the SERVANTS, other than allowing ourselves to be entrapped in the “whirlwind” of the 2, 4, 6 years voting cycle, whereby they keep us in election frenzy.

The Founding Fathers vs. King George III
The element by which We the People are to execute our wills, is based on our coalescing into a unified, efficiently functioning, body politic, of which the King George III,representing tyrannical monarchy argues that such a notion of people governing themselves is impossible,given that the masses are more willing to follow the dictates of a “strong man” who forces them into unifying comliance, even to conduct warfare.  See “Unity Action Plan (UAP)

Knowing the historical nature of human beings, whose civilizations have been overwhelmingly monarchical, including tribes and clans by choice, King George III argues, that the more logical approach to governing is monarchy, as opposed to the unproven, risk-taking ideals of the “rebellious” founders.

The founders were not just challenging monarchy, but according to the Declaration, they placed their hopes on its Central Figure, that being the GOD of Nature, et al., believing the one day, the divine miracle “government of, by and for the people” will occur.
“And with firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence…”

While the tools for making such a unifying bid is more likely today than when this ideal was first presented, or at any other time in the new republics past, given the divisive squabbling within, it presently appears that King George III just might be vindicated, whereby the risky American Dream experiment is near  to be proven a failure, even becoming nightmarish.

However, it does not have to be that way, but rather We the People of this present generation can be their long awaited posterity that will secure the blessings of liberty for all US Americans and citizens of the world’s nations.

Remember, it’s “We the People”

For more on the teaching, please visit below links and learn

Lincolns’ Admonition and Warning
The Plight of GOD

Declaration of Independence (edited-short)
The American Creed
Nordu Ordu Seclorum
The Right/Duty To GOD-Speak Language


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