New Frontier 2 Presidential Executive Order Ending Encampment Homeless Wed, 23 Feb 2022 20:18:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New Frontier 2 32 32 Legendary Videos & Sounds of: Justiceville – Dome Village – Heal America Mon, 18 May 2020 21:26:30 +0000
Gary Glaser      Tom Bolima      The Butchers      Ice-T      John Stewart      Ted

Nineteen Eighty-five (1985), was the year of my GOD-sending (voluntary), dramatic, life developing advent into the worlds of chronic, sidewalk, encampment homelessness culture, created by the super stressed conditions of society’s overcrowded, money-driven, substance addicted, mentally unstable, as well as kaotic corruptions of social and civic,  injustices including other related, turbulently rapid moving currents of so called “mainstream”, giving just cause for the “Justiceville movement.”

These ever increasing stresses, particularly as they relate to cost of housing, primarily rentals, i.e., affordable housing in ‘decent” neighborhoods; utilities and their initial deposits; daily provisions such as food/proper nourishments; overwhelming debts to business, friends and relatives; criminal records; etc., rejects their re-entry into society. 

Being rejected, US homeless citizens, including military Veterans are forced to dwell in areas not legally inhabitable for human beings, i.e., outlawed zones of public health and safety, thereby transforming them into said outlaws…criminals, subject to constant, imminent arrest by law enforcement.

From January to May 10th of 1985, Justiceville was born,lived executed, and rose in spirit in downtown Los Angeles’ Central City East, unfortunately dubbed Skid Row, the “gound 0” and “black hole vortex” epicenter and national capital of homelessness, where lived 5 months, deemed a “public health and safety” threat, unjustly shut down “executed” and bulldozed buried to death, and its activists, including myself, arrested, but raised again in a spiritual movement that is now about to be vindicated, some 35 years later.

This now legendary, shantytown encampment is the ultimate prophetic, civic, political and spiritual statement of homelessness; it being the foundation of what is destined to become the primary domestic threat or challenge to the very existence of this exceptional We the People’s Republican Form of Government nation under GOD since its civil war 155 years ago.

Among many other, landmark-historical accomplishments, as well as raising the general public’s awareness of homelessness via media enducing activities, the epic, prophetic ventures of Justiceville, inspired several mid-1980’s audio visual projects listed below:

The words of these prophetic utterances in song and video projects were WARNINGS of impending disaster upon all of society, as well hopeful options, but due to misguided stratagem of government Servants, the Justiceville, Strategic National Policy and Plan that rectifies the ills of homelessness…that which they enunciated seems now to have suddenly exploded into the early stages of an apocalypse of national security threat implications.

Thanks GOD for rock band, Tom Bolima and The Butchers; rap artist and now television and movie personality, Ice T; legendary 1960’s Kingston Trio, folk singer, John Stewart; and Gary Glaser!

Justiceville: The Documentary, Rap, Rock and Folk Tune Songs

The 1988 Emmy Award Winning documentary by Gary Glaser, []

Tom Bolima & The Butchers []

Tom Bolima – Solo []

Ice-T []

Ted’s Justiceville Rap []

John Stewart []

The Legendary, Dome Village
After eight (8) long, arduously difficult years
of aggressive, non-stop, activism of protesting, demonstrating, and lobbying local and federal governments, particularly the US Presidency, i.e., White House, the activist of Justiceville finally were able to manifest their original vision of the creation of Dome Village, initially called, Genesis I, which was designed as global model to be simply the initial procedure for the creation of succeeding such villages to serve as a series of human “vacuum cleaners” scattered throughout the LA region as the first steps in the Justiceville Strategic National Policy and Plan to eradicate the homelessness cultures and its causes.

Thanks to GOD for LA business magnate, David Adams, ARCO CEO, President and Chairman of the Board, Lod Cook; LA Mayor Richard Riordan; the late, Craig Chamberlain, US Military Vietnam Combat Army Veteran-Army, friend and student of Buchminster Fuller, and inventor of the Omni-sphere Dome, et al.

It is due to these wonderful individuals, including the original, preceding eras of Justiceville activists, and the later, courageous Dome Village staff of the Domestic Peace Corps workers Ronda Flanzbaum and Katy Haber, and staff, being Kathy Clay, Chester Ward, Virginia Contreas, as well as the blessing of the incredible Hayes Family.

IWITNESS – DOME VILLAGE: Exclusive Inside View of Dome Village

Heal America, The Docu-Movie: Another Side of Ted Hayes
The Trailer []
Full Length (1 Hr) []

Please visit:
“Ted Hayes” @ | “The Dome Village” @ | “The New Frontier II: Operation Humanity”  @ | “The Domestic Peace Corps” @



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The Virus(s)-Homeless Series Viral Videos Sat, 11 Apr 2020 04:53:51 +0000 Hey Official Public[Government Servants of We the People…
What Are You Going To Do About This?  Are You Going To Test This? The Homeless?
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.  The wretched refuse on your teeming shores…send these…the homeless, the tempest tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”  [The Colossus]

“You don’t want these…give them to me. 
Let MY people go EXODUS…NOW”

Most Recent:



[05/2020] BULLETIN: As Predicted – LA Surrenders To Federal Consent Decree On Homelessness

  1.  LA Mayor, The Hon. Eric Garcetti: “Stay At Home” Order Is Mockery To Homeless, US Citizens

2.  LA Mayor, The Hon. Eric Garcetti: “Washing Hands” Order Is Mockery To Homeless, US Citizens

3. Celebrities “STAY HOME – STAY SAFE” Mockery of the Homeless, et al


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The Letters Index Thu, 09 Apr 2020 06:03:45 +0000 The Index

(04/08/2020) LA Mayor Eric Garcetti – “Systemic Racism” Cause of Black Citizens Homelessness – The Virus(s)

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Letter: Mayor Garcetti – “Systemic Racism” Cause of Black Citizens Homelessness – The Virus(s) Thu, 09 Apr 2020 05:43:36 +0000 [Let Index]


Greetings and Shalom, Mayor Garcetti, my friend!
You held a news conference about it and along with the Hon. LA Supervisor, Mark Ridley-Thomas authorized Los Angeles Homelessness Services Authority (LAHSA) to officially and correctly cite “SYSTEMIC RACISM” as the primary cause for the overwhelming disproportion of black citizens entrapped within the sidewalk, encampment culture of homelessness in LA and other major urban centers throughout the country.

Actually, you, nor your colleagues, as well as LAHSA have never fully defined “systemic racism” or what you all intend to do about it.  This is not righteous to us civilian citizens and activist as it leaves to much room for wrong or misguided speculation, as now.

The Virus threat and that of future such public health and safety threats, has far more intensified this highly dangerous matter of black citizens homelessness as you say, is due to “systemic racism”.

Apparently, the only remedy to said homelessness is deploying FEMA and dispatching the organizational efficiency of National Guard units to systematically, simultaneously and rapidly collect-round up the scattered homeless-houseless US citizens, then quarantining them outside the urban center indefinitely within fascistic, internment-concentration encampments.

Naturally, due to the continuation of 401 years of “systemic racism” against us black peoples, whom now are federal, Presidential jurisdiction, super citizens…the military move will be our final, generational devastation, essentially returning us back to chattel slavery.

As you know, when white citizens catch a cold, black citizens get pneumonia. When white citizens have economic recession, black citizens have depression.  When the “waters” of economic prosperity rises, all boats rise, except those of black citizens, etc.

In keeping with this unique, American, anti-black, “system of racism”, we are contacting the virus far quicker and in greater proportion, than other citizens.

Therefore, for whatever reasons, as the most qualified activist on the matter of homelessness, I can only speculate, being that you are refusing to work with me, that you are deliberately forcing black citizens on Skid Row in particular, to secretly languish in the dangers of the virus(s) when you could have executed the preventive measures proposed in our meeting last June 2019.

Your actions are creating a biological “bomb”, not only of this, but other future viruses and diseases incubated by the state of said homelessness, ultimately threatening the general public.

Unfortunately, as mayor, you are in this very dangerously precarious, legal and moral dilemma, that is giving the whole world “Class A” evidence LA Mayor, Eric Garcetti, is perhaps the most significant player in the “systemic racism” against the descendants of chattel slaves, et al, upon whose ancestors backs this “nation of immigrants” is built, stand and/or will fall.

That’s just an undeniable historical fact!

What places you in this inherited responsible and eventual, culpable position with “systemic racism”, is that you are denying my team and me, myself, being a black super citizen with the only actual “blue print” plan to humanely address homelessness and the virus.

What you are allowing, or GOD-forbid, deliberately promoting on Skid Row for the world to witness and emulate, is a huge violations of black citizens’ Civil Rights violations, not experienced since our 1865 liberation from this nation’s 245 years institutions of racist, chattel enslavement.

Even the United Nations Human Rights Commission denounces your “systemic racism” is promoting on Skid Row as it also violates international human rights laws.

However, your not allowing my team access to assist in this crisis is not a slight against me, but rather, my peoples as whole, and the 740,000 young, innocent boys and men who perished in the Civil War, as well as Lincoln, is therefore and mockery of our Union Republic.

There is now only a very limited amount of time to rectify what going on Skid Row and elsewhere in the city, should you continue to not heed this admonition, you and other such government Servants will one day answer to GOD-HaShem for your disdain of black citizens, also HIS children and homeless persons in general.

While more can be said of  and to you my friend, whom I against the advice of my colleagues and supporters risked my reputation with them, as well as myself respect, by defending of your person, dating back to January of 2019; and when I came to your rescue in Venice Beach against that angry crowd of protestors.

To this day, are great calls for your political resignation as mayor, which is not my sentimentality!

Furthermore, while my colleagues and I are highly disappointed in your moral hypocrisy, I will remain defending you as my friend and son of the legendary, Hon. LADA Gil Garcetti who helped Justice with the JSAP Strategic National Policy and Plan.

“Homelessness is the MORAL ISSUE of our time” the Hon. LA Mayor, Eric Garcetti.

GOD forbid, and hopefully, I’m hysterically wrong about my assessment of this matter, but should it indeed occur, the world will know that I tried to warn you.  Let never be said, that “Ted did not try”.

Therefore, I’m clear before GOD and humanity and am therefore, at Shalom!

However, even though my right “elbow bump” of fellowship continues to be rejected, being my friend, I will, in love ever risk my life for you, even as a lifeguard does so to save a combative drowning person, by tenaciously continuing to reach out to you and speak up on these things.  In other words, sir, by HIS Love, grace and power, I’m not leaving you, nor will away until GOD orders me to.

Please for all our sakes, call me ASAP while its still not too late.

Thanks and blessings in HaShem, dear brother.

Ted Hayes”


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Marion Woods, Prophet MLK, Jr. – The Promissory Note Tue, 07 Apr 2020 04:34:14 +0000 [Commemoration]

The Constitutionally Codified 1866 Civil Rights Act, the Progenitor of the 14th Amendment, US, Federal, Presidential Jurisdiction Super Citizenship of Black Citizens, Descendants of the Union’s Chattel Slaves, Freemen (non slave blacks), et al

 In Honor and Memory of the late, Marion Woods,

This statement is a paraphrased sentiment of the late Marion Woods of Sacramento, California…Personal Friend and Moorehouse College Room and Classmate…and Fellow Civil Rights Activist Leader

“In ‘I Have A Dream’, what he prophetically pronounces and admonishes black citizens to “cash” at Bank of Justice, the late Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was/is saying that “Promissory Note” is the 1866 Civil Rights Act – 14th Amendment, the United States Birth and Identity Right Citizenship of black citizens. 

At the time, we just didn’t quite know how to process it forward.  Perhaps, GOD in HIS good timing has reserved and arranged, that ‘now is the time…the fierce urgency of now’ the “cashing” of the “Promissory Note”, indeed for this nation rise up and live out its creed, that all men are created equal.”

The late, great Mr. Woods, was a central 1960’s Civil Rights leader who was devotee and personal friend of the late Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., even classmates at Morehouse College; the leading such activist in Sacramento; director of three CA State government Departments, i.e., Benefit Payments; Social Services for the District of Columbia; Human Resources; considered the Sacramento region “Martin Luther King, Jr.”

Google “Marion Woods, Civil Rights Leader”

We intend to pick up were they left off…finally.


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The 52nd Commemoration of the April 4, 1968 Assassination of Prophet MLK, Jr. Mon, 06 Apr 2020 23:44:32 +0000 The Special, Holy Month of April 2020, Seasonal Commemoration of the Assassinated Three

Abraham Lincoln – April 14,1865             
  Martin Luther King, Jr. – April 4, 1968
               Yeshusah/Jesus Meshiach/Christ: No Image

The Promissory Note of US Black Super Citizenship To Save America

The US Constitutional Documented Identity
According to US Constitution, Article 4, Section 4, this Declaration of Independence declared Union of 50 Sovereign States and its Territories “nation under GOD”, is governed by a Republican Form of Government.

Based on and within the January 1, 1863 United States Presidential Executive Ordered Emancipation Proclamation, the Promissory Note is the 1866-68 Civil Rights 14th Amendment Act super citizenship exclusively and solely to, for, because of black citizens whom are US Constitutionally designated under federal jurisdiction addressed at the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC.; enforced by the President of the United States (POTUS) acting as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.
[See Marion Woods & Promissory Note]

The Three (3): Celestial Divine and Terrestrial l Figures
Within the 1963, “I Have A Dream” document, there are three (3) characters discussed around the matter of the experiential, black super citizenship of black citizens yet to be fulfilled having dire consequences should it not, they being the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. himself, the 16th President of the United States (POTUS) Abraham Lincoln, and most importantly, GOD and HIS Children.

In fact, as the two earthly or terrestrial figures were assassinated, for those whom believe, the Eldest, First Begotten Son of HIS Children, Jesus Christ, was also murdered.

The Dream Became Vision
As a “bookend” statement to his 1963 “I Have A Dream” proclamation, in the eve of April 3, 1968, the young, poetic prophet, the Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the greatest civilian citizen in US history, envisioned that black citizens, upon whom this Union Republican Form of Government bestowed the “deed” of federal super citizenship to the “Promised Land”…will eventually “someday” arrive there.

“I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the “’Promised land!”

It has been revealed that the “way” of authority and power that brings the Subject Beneficiaries to the “Promised Land” of US Constitution citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens” (The Act, Sec. 1) is what Dr. King, Jr., proclaimed in “Dream” as the “Promissory Note”, instructing us the following:

“So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition….In a sense we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check….a promissory noteThis note was a promise that…black men…would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (“as is enjoyed by white citizens” The Act Sec.1)

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned….we have come to cash this check — a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.” [edited-paraphrased]

This Promissory Note is black citizens “license”, “passport”, “deed” authority and power to conduct business within and without the Union Republic of the United States of America.

As with knowing of, understanding, embracing and executing the Divinely established foundational, fundamental, elementary ideal commands of the GOD’s Kingdom, the same applies to US black super citizens in the matter of their/our identity in the US Constitution, without which, in both, its Subject Beneficiaries are devoid of truly real power, i.e., “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:” [II Timothy 3:5] and “Having a form of US citizenship, but denying the authority of it.”

The young prophet MLK warns the following:

“Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”

In light of the present “rude awakening” National Security Threats of the Virus, i.e., public health and safety, as it relates to homelessness, particularly that of black citizens, Now is the time and fierce urgency of now for us black citizens, descendants of chattel slaves, et al, upon whose ancestors backs this nation of immigrants is built, to embrace GOD’s awakening, as HIS children to experience the use of the super citizenship reserved for us to inspire,  save and keep our Union Republic.

This is a special season of commemoration of these the three (3) assassinated figures in US history and Constitutional law.

Special Note, The Dive Omen of April and the worlds three great, monotheistic religions:

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” [Psalm 133:1]

For the first time in world history, during this special month of April 2020, among other terrestrial and celestial signs of the coming Meshiach-Messiah, being the Comet ATLAS, GOD has globally-universally shut down and taken away the blessedness of religious-spiritual fellowship holidays of the Christian Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and of Jews, the Passover.

Also, taken away are Orthodox Easter, Earth Day, and Ramadan.  

It appears and hears, that GOD the Creator is speaking very clear in the midst of earthly, humanity quiet.  Are we listening?

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” [Psalms 46:10]

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We the Peoples’ Justice-Peace Force [In LOVE] Sat, 04 Apr 2020 20:42:46 +0000 The Force of We the People

Summons and Empowers You To The Justice-Peace “War” of the Ages

We the People Force “Soul Power” [non tactile] of the Union of 50 Sovereign States and Territories, Republican Form of Government (Article 4, Sec 4) Nation Under GOD, Whose objective is:

Operation: Surround The White House/Capture the Oval Office, Exploiting the Power of the Federal Executive Branch, being the Presidency as Chief Executive Offer and Commander in Chief of the Military Armed Forces.

Our “firepower” force is endowed by the Declaration of Independence, the First enacted law, enforced by US Constitutional Authority and Powers of the 1866 Civil Rights 14th Amendment Act of the black super citizenship of black citizens, descendants of the chattel slaves, et al.

[Metaphor] As the invisible power of black holes, the presence of black matter and its energy which holds in order, the structure of all celestial bodies in the known universe; so it is with this heretofore, little known “invisible”, supreme Law of this Northern American Land whose essence contains all the critical matter of the Republican Form of Government under GOD, for all of its We the People citizens, regardless of ethno-racial diveresness thereof, the Orvu Nordu Seclurum (New Order of the Ages) as opposed to  the “Antiquus Ordu Seclurum (Old Order of the Ages). 

Email Justiceville:


village, town, township, city, county, state, natio


Hobby or sport:

What is your understanding of homelessness?
Why are and where did you become interested in the homelessness/houselessness matter?
Have you ever given to a said homeless person, or contributed to an organization dealing with it?

If GOD gave you all the authority and power in the universe to rectify the critical matter of global homelessness, beginning with downtown Los Angeles, what would you do?

Then build a movement around you, even begin your own Face Book, Instagram, You Tube, etc., as you will have the foremost understanding of the matter, and being on, i.e., becoming the “cutting edge” and “frontline”. [2:00 pm PCT in taken]


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The Justiceville EXODUS Plan of GOOD Will and HOPE Fri, 03 Apr 2020 06:13:28 +0000 “Out of the darkness, comes light”  “What was meant for evil has become good”
“Out death, comes resurrection of new life”

In Response to the Novel, Wuhan Chinese COVID-19 Virus, In the Name of Public Health and Safety, It Appears Inevitable That Our Government Servants Will Resort to Dispatching FEMA and Deploying the National Guard to Most Dangerously Task of Rounding up Homeless/Houseless US Citizens to INDEFINITELY Confine, Contain, Intern, Concentrate Them In Facilities Located Outside Urban Centers On Federal Lands, Including Decommissioned Military Bases Similar to What’s Occurring in South Africa.
See Below Narrative A]

Though Justiceville Alerted and Continues  To Alert This Presidential Administration Since September 2019; and My Friend, LA Mayor, the Hon. Eric Garcetti in June of 2019, Presenting To Each, Alternatives Measures To It, but Summarily Rejected, The JV Team Remains Committed To Still Offering A “Backdoor” of EXODUS For the Soon Interned Inmates to Other Locales of Productive Citizenship Opportunities.

Justiceville Offers An Exodus Plan For the Inmates When the POTUS Declares the Virus(s) Threat To Be Over. [See Narrative C]

The EXODUS II Plan is based on the first such exodus of a whole peoples from a land, according to the Hebrew Holy Scriptures (The Bible) account of the ancient, Israelite peoples’ Exodus from the bondages of the then Egyptian Empire and their 40 years journey through a wilderness, into another locale (Promised Land of GOD-HJaShem)…however, not a utopian state, but rather an existence that requires and affords them the freedom to build a thriving society.

For 35 years, the Justiceville activists have offered and continues to offer the only viable, Strategic National Policy Plan in the United Stares that proactively exploits the dark dilemma of “visible” homeless as a welcoming good omen light catalyst that:

  1. …decentralizes urban centers (Exodus)…
  2.  …transitioning (Wildness) mixed populations of all social, class-status persons, families, domestic pets, et al…
  3. …into planned, municipal, county, state and federal governmental chartered communities, townships, villages, cities, with affordable housings, hosting mayors, city councils, mangers, law enforcement, judicial, fire and EMT, etc., departments, including social services.
  4. Employing there traditional and 21st Century and beyond technologies such as the internet-digital industries, including “Green Initiatives” and industrial manufacturing, including entrepreneur opportunities, which is essentially implanting the amenities of all social, economic, political, religious-spiritual segments of society.   

Narrative A
In the name of stopping the spread of the Virus(s), our Republican Form of Government is either purposely marching or unintentionally stumbling in a state of fascism by dispatching FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and deploying the military efficiency of National Guard Units to rapidly, simultaneously roundup – collect “off the streets”, all “visible” homeless US citizens, particularly those whom are black, descendants of chattel slaves, et al, to be relocated into prepared, “public health and safety” facilities outside of the urban centers, on county, state and federal lands, including decommissioned military bases.

As it is the government Servants are void of a strategic plan for the inmates post the virus(s) threat, thereby keeping them confined there indefinitely, this military practice, which releases the fascist “dog” latent within all civilizations, is occurring in South African, the land of the legendary, Nobel Peace Prize winner, the Hon. Nelson Mandela who led the movement for freedom in that once racist, apartheid society.  The irony!

Narrative B
Hypothetically, provided that all the dangerous and controversial obstacles to National Guard roundup of said homeless/houseless, US citizens have cleared, and they are “temporarily” relocated, interned, confined, concentrated encamped in “public health and safety” facilities outside urban centers on county, state and federal lands, including decommissioned, military bases…

…when government declares virus threat to be over, when and where will this American inmates return to mainstream society?  Certainly not back to the neighborhoods from they were arrested.  Justiceville is offering EXODUS II Plan of Good Will and Hope, thereby transforming this dark time into one of productive light and greater advancement for all USA society.

The South Africans are saying the virus threat has them a way of dealing with the homelessness/houselessness Crisis

Obviously, unless individuals can demonstrate to the administrative overseers of the facilities that they have housing, gainful employment or support system other than government welfare, the inmates will not be prohibited release, thereby having to remain indefinitely, on and within these now internment, concentration encampments, hence rendering the Union dissolved and the Republic lost to fascism.

Narrative C
Beginning with Los Angeles as the national and global model, Justiceville entitles this greatest of human ventures for higher quality of life for all, being based on the President John F. Kennedy “Moon Shot” initiative…“The New Frontier II: Operation Humanity”, which is according to the basic “blue print” of the Exodus Genesis Incentive Initiative Plan [E.G.I.I.P. – Transitioning “off the streets”] and the J.S.A.P. Joint Statement and Action Plan of the Law Enforcement Working Group


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My American Civil Right Authority and Identity Citizenship Fri, 27 Mar 2020 00:14:51 +0000 As a descendant of the chattel slaves, and a first generation Jim Crowism survivor, being two generations from such American slavery… See: “The Great Discrepancy of Black Citizens Homelessness INDEX”

By the authority of, as well as a Subject Beneficiary the US Constitution’s 1866 Civil Rights-14th Amendment Act Super Citizenship of Black Citizens,
which is under the direct Jurisdiction of the Executive Branch of the federal government, to be protected and advanced by the President his service of Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, initially established upon the foundation of President Abraham Lincolns’s, GOD ordered, January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation.

This authority of super citizenship is alluded to by the late, Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in “I Have A Dream” (Aug. 28, 1963 Washington, DC), identified as “The Promissory Note” – “This Sacred Obligation” [edited] See “Have A Dream” excerpts]

“…we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check…a promissory noteThis note was a promise….that black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.(property)

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned…But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.  So we have come to cash this check — a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.”

See: “The Great Discrepancy of Black Citizens Homelessness INDEX”




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Behold, Video Clips To POTUS Thu, 26 Mar 2020 01:06:23 +0000 Special Message To POTUS (September 2019)

LA City Bulldozing of the 405 Int. Freeway Encampment (Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019)

Longest version A. 17:00 minutes

Version B. 4:38 minutes

Version C. 3:31 minutes


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