Transition [B]

EGIIP is meant to be implemented in four transitional phases

See The United States Domestic Peace Corps Element


  • Phase I – The Intake
  • Phase II – Orientation & Direction
  • Phase III – Social Adjustment 
  • Phase IV – Destination = Mainstream or decentralization into planned, government chartered 21st century mixed-class industrial communities….i.e. Not just for homeless persons and families.

Phase I: The Intake
Serving as a human “vacuum cleaner”, this is the initial phase of the EGIIP, whereby a dome village(s) intake persons from dwelling encampment or individual dwelling on sidewalks, beach, park, vacant land, abandoned building, automobiles.

Here for circa a month, depending on the individuals’ of families condition, they debrief from their previous existence, in which they receive appropriate attention from staff and Domestic Peace Corp workers, whom the latter dwell with them the facility.

Some of the amenities provided is a safe, professionally secure place to sleep and store reasonable personal belongings; receive appropriate nourishments; restroom and showers; if needed, medical, dental and psychological services; investigative counseling

Essentially, Phase I is the opportunity to simply relax and begin reconsidering the direction of their lives.

Based on the original Dome Village, the population will consist of 30 individuals, thereby maintaining a neighborly existence.

Each facility will be staffed with a professional personnel handing an office, led by a director (Servant Director), having a secretary, two councilors, six (6) amalgamated DPCW.

Phase II: Orientation & Direction
After completing Phase 1, participants are transitioned into Phase II, which is an orientation facility, wherein along with the previous and other appropriate amenities will be added, such as: destination counseling, whereby, each individual will examined and counseled, physically, psychologically (mental emotional, and attitude); education level; life and occupational skills and aptitude; etc., including rehabilitation for extreme substance use or addiction; re-education and training for routine work.

Having two (2) ultimate Phase IV transition destinations, they being,
1.  Mainstream
, i.e., return to, or first time entry into the mainstream stream lifestyle either in the local city-community, etc., or elsewhere, outside of the region, perhaps, another town or state.

2Township Option, or Planned, Government Chartered, Industrial-based, Social-Class Integrated, City, Town, Village, Hamlet, etc.

After orientation counseling, each participant will be directed into programming according to findings

Note: Upon completion of counseling or participation for a period time, but choose to drop out of program, they are obviously free to take their leave from it.

Note: However, after leaving program and dwelling back in the streets or wherever, and discover their inability to maintain themselves, they can’t return to Phase II, but rather, must get into line to start anew at Phase I.  Unfortunately, having had such an opportunity and attempting to resume the sidewalk, encampment, street homelessness lifestyle, the former participant is then eligible for law enforcement treatment.

Note: Of course, this circumstance will be fully, completely, and continually explained to participant, as well be supported by the resident DPCW’s.  See US Domestic Peace Corps

Programming such as rehabilitation and job training for each participant depends on the ultimate destination that they either choose or counseled, mainstream or Township option.

Example: Two friends enter Phase I together, and share dwelling space, upon entry into Phase II for orientation and counseling, etc., should each choose separate ultimate destinations, while their programming is tailored to it, they may remain dwelling mates throughout the transitioning process.

The time needed for each participant(s) or families to dwell at Phase II, depends on their respective abilities to adjust, function, and motivation, with average estimated at nine (9) to fifteen (15) months to graduation.

Graduation process is based on two occurrences, they being:|

  1. Having successfully gone through programming, participants transition or graduate to Phase III, which is social re-orientation;2. Violating rules and regulations, etc., where by participants aren’t “kicked out” or expulsed, but rather, as they demonstrate by behavior that they no longer have need for programs, are considered, finished, graduated, will peacefully leave facility.

Each facility of Phase II will basically be fashioned on the same population scale of Phase 1.  This remains in place even if the land upon which it is constructed can hold a large number of individuals and families, perhaps, a coupe of hundred, there will be separate neighborhoods of 30 residents, plus professional staff and DPCW.

Phase III: Social Adjustment 
This facility is located elsewhere or even in on the same large space, but programming geared to continued education, training, social re orientation and preparation for Phase IV, whether mainstream or the Township option.

Phase IV: Ultimate Destination = Mainstream or decentralization into planned, government chartered 21st century, not just for homeless persons and families, but rather, a functioning, mixed-class industrial communities.

The final and ultimate destination, being either mainstream or Township option

  1. Mainstream – Upon graduating into mainstream society, the graduate will be in possession of permanent housing, as well as gainful occupation to sustain cost of living, transportation to and from place of employment, along with health, dental, accident and life insurance; and any related supportive services needed.
  2. Township Option – Upon graduation into Township, all amenities of 1, is available, combined with an already functioning and welcoming, social-class community to receive the graduate.

See general description of township



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